Monday, February 15, 2010

Inside Out

What is hiding on the inside of you?? For me, I've always had that thin, athletic self somewhere inside. I like to call her Jenny because that was my birth name before adoption. I think Jenny is mad at me for allowing her to become hidden. She tries occasionally to escape the prison I've created for her but, so far, without success. I am hopeful that my efforts to free Jenny will increase and the goal to be healthier and fit will be reached before this year is over.
Weight loss was not my original purpose to this message. Back to what other things might be locked up inside. If you scroll to a post made soon after this blog was born, you will find the title, "Art Is Not Just What I Do, It Is Who I Am." Again, inside more than out. I've been told I have talent. I love being creative in a variety of ways and learning more about expressing myself artistically has always been on my "to do" list. Unfortunately it often slips to the bottom of the list. Work, family, errands, lack of money, lack of time, and my Self often hinder this desire to let my inner artist FREE. There have been a few bright spots when I actually created a piece I did not mind signing my name on as the artist. Too few such creations I must admit.
So...I have determined to stop just thinking about and talking about being an artist. The artist in me will have the chance to be exposed and, hopefully, create a body of work to be shared with others. Getting started is always the most difficult. My intent is to research, learn, practice, and CREATE. Since drawing is a foundation for most good art, I will be working on my drawing and sketching skills first. Today I read about a "365 day sketching challenge" and I am considering tackling that as a self-administered teaching tool. If I do, you will be seeing my work posted here and I invite you to comment on it. The every day for a year thing scares me a little...maybe a "3-4 sketches each week challenge" would be more appropriate for my lifestyle??? Maybe that's just me copping out again...let me think about it, okay??!!

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