Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Thoughts on POTENTIAL...

Wow, I can't believe it has already been a year since my last post. Enough of that! I am determined to share my thoughts in writing more often. My "Personal" notebook is jammed full of scraps of paper covered with scribbles that might make sense to someone (besides me) if I post them on my blog. The following is a recent "scribble" commenting on my interpretation of a particularly challenging word...


Nine letters...assembled in a way that simultaneously evokes HOPE....and FEAR.
What lies beyond my present horizon?
What talents or gifts remain undiscovered....or undeveloped?
Is there something I was meant to accomplish that is yet undone...
or is not yet defined?

Just three syllables...spoken within a compliment...
Or was it really a comment acknowledging my apparent shortfalls?
It seems if I've too often waited silently on the shore of expectation...
Waiting for some elusive ship of self-discovery
to transport me to that ethereal island where
POTENTIAL dares me to trespass!

There have been times that I constructed my own canoe...
Out of driftwood gathered while seeking education...
or teaching myself a skill...
or praying.
A canoe that managed to take me only so far
Before the waves of doubt or circumstance pushed me backwards
Crashing my dreams upon the beach...
prolonging my wait.

And now the years fly faster and POTENTIAL mocks me
from behind a smoky glass.
What used to be an adventure and an exercise in learning
has become a race.
And time is no long my friend.

What is it that I really seek?
What outcome to be realized?
Will I ever reach that island?
Or will I sink below the waves?

The answers elude me.
The "P" word makes me crazy.
But the journey is a worthy one...
and I find myself no longer content to wait upon the shore.
Even if I must swim in ice cold water...
in the darkest of nights...
amidst hungry sharks...
with no ship in sight...

And I will keep my mind's eye on that distant island...
Where POTENTIAL sits by the fire...
Ready to celebrate...


Lindsay said...

Love the entry! You are a very talented writer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Knew you had the potential to..haha jk.

Jim's Patty said...


What a beautiful writer you are. Your words gave me such mind pictures. I will read the post again to get a fuller impact.

Keep it up--you inspire me to get Summer's scrapbook finished and do more artsy things!

Hopefully we can get together within the next month or so.

In Him,
Jim's Patty